
Ukraine shoots down six Russian fighter jets in only three days in major victory | World | News

The Ukrainian Air Force shot down as many as six Russian fighter jets in just three days, Kyiv officials said on Monday.

Despite its dwindling number of military munitions, Ukraine has used its US-provided weapons to create massive damage for Russia.

Ukraine has a small supply of 90-mile-range, US-made Patriot air-defense missiles, which they have used carefully to shoot down Russian fighter-bombs.

The fast rate at which Ukraine is destroying Russian jets is one Moscow’s Air Force likely cannot sustain.

The Ukrainian defense ministry wrote in a post on X on Monday: “Russian planes continue to fall! This morning, defenders of the sky shot down two Russian planes in the eastern direction – a Su-34 fighter-bomber and a Su-35 fighter. In three days, Ukraine destroyed six Russian jets.”

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In two years of fighting, Russian has lost 25 of their 150 Su-34s and six of their 120 Su-35s, according to Oryx.

Ukraine’s current rate of bombing jets is unsustainable for Russia, as Moscow’s Air Force this week wrote off warplanes at a rate of 60 per month.

In addition, Russia stands to lose several experienced aircrews, according to a report from the Royal United Services Institute in London.

But experts have said that Ukraine cannot keep up its current bombing campaign, as the country’s stock of Patriots is “dropping to a critical level,” according to Anton Gerashchenko, a former advisor to Ukraine’s interior ministry.

This comes as Russia pushes harder in the northeastern Kharkiv region and in southern Zaporizhia.

Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky said his country is “doing everything possible and impossible” to defeat Russia.

Zelensky said in his daily video address on Sunday: “Ukrainians have fought heroically before but for the first time in its history Ukraine has achieved such global solidarity and support.”

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