
Tourists can avoid embarrassment by learning polite customs | Travel News | Travel

A travel expert has on a number of things they should never do when on a holiday in Japan.

The Land of the Rising Sun has a variety of unusual customs that , with YouTubers Megan and Ben, who run the channel @thehitobito, admitting to falling for a few.

However, in a recent video, Megan noted that tourists using the railway service to get around the country should look out for trains that suddenly end their service.

She advised: “There are so many things that you don’t want to do on the train but one thing nobody talks about is the sneaky ‘out of service’ train.

“If nobody gets on it when it stops or everybody gets off suddenly, then don’t make the mistake I’ve made so many times. Just follow the crowd.”

Japan is known for having one of the world’s most efficient railway services, making it a good way to travel either within a large city or throughout the country.

However, before boarding a train that has arrived at the station, tourists should make sure the display above the doors does not state ‘out of service’ before getting on board.

Similarly, if other passengers on board suddenly all get off, it is likely that the train is no longer in service, with Megan recommending that visitors also alight and wait for the next one.

Whilst on the train, Megan also highlighted that tourists should keep quiet, with many Japanese residents considering loud conversations in shared public spaces as bad mannered.

She continued: “When it’s time to get on, put your backpack on the front [of your body] when it’s crowded, get your spot and be quiet or get your earphones ready.

“Also, don’t use the train like a jungle gym [climbing frame]. I’ve seen tourists use these [grab handles] like monkey bars.”

Finally, Megan suggested that tourists travelling via taxi should make sure they are not hailing an occupied vehicle by looking for a digital display in the front windscreen that is red, rather than green.

She added: “If that is too complicated then you can get a taxi, but don’t miss open taxis because the colours [on the windscreen display] are reverse.

“Green means [the taxi has been] taken and red means available.”

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