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The UK’s worst city for potholes finally unmasked where just 19 percent have been fixed | UK | News

The UK‘s worst city for potholes has been revealed with just 19 percent getting fixed.

In Manchester, only 709 of 3,697 reported potholes were fixed during 2023 according to new research, making it the worst in the country for repairing the scourges, which damage thousands of cars every year.

Folk in Wrenbury-cum-Frith, just south of the city, have become so fed up of the council’s failure to repair the roads they have renamed it Wrenbury-cum-Pothole with one resident telling MailOnline its roads will « break your vehicles – and your soul ».

Manchester’s results come in stark contrast to the UK’s best city at dealing with potholes, Bath, which managed to fix 703 of its 719 reported potholes.

Even London managed a better rate of fixing the damage, repairing 11,572 of 26,165 reported potholes.

It comes after Prime Minister Rishi Sunak promised to deal with the issue by injecting £8.3bn of funding into local road maintenance using money from the scrapped HS2 link.

The research by specialists at SmartSurvey from the website looked at 68 UK cities and found varying success rates.

Edinburgh was found to have the second-worst record, with just 1,232 successful repairs from 5,538 reported potholes, giving it a fix rate of just 22 percent.

Birmingham was found to be the third worst and was closely followed by Glasgow and Swansea.

But many fared better with Peterborough having the second-best repair record of 94 percent, fixing 2,105 of 2,242 potholes. Bristol, Truro and Durham made up the rest of the top five.

SmartSurvey boss Mo Naser said: « You could argue that bigger cities have more issues to attend to, but they also have bigger budgets and more staff to deal with them.

« For instance, Truro is a tiny cathedral city but the council fixes two in three reported potholes. Bath and Peterborough councils excel at responding to pothole issues.

« Why do Bath, Peterborough, Bristol and Truro, whose populations and filed reports of potholes vary so widely, succeed while cities of comparable sizes to each of them struggle? »

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