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Rishi Sunak facing nightmare scenario as super poll leaves Tories with less than 100 seats | Politics | News

Rishi Sunak appears to be on the verge of leading the Conservative Party to the worst result in its 346-year history, according to a new super poll.

The survey of 15,000 voters for Survation, paid for by former Remainer group Best for Britain, suggests that the Tories are facing a wipeout which would leave them with just 98 seats.

The projected results are so bad that the Prime Minister would even be on the verge of losing his safe Richmond seat in Yorkshire with a mere 2.5 percent lead and his Chancellor Jeremy Hunt would have just a one percent lead in his seat in Surrey amid a series of high profile losses for the Tories.

It appears to confirm that Conservative voters are either planning to stay at home or have abandoned the party for Reform UK on the right.

The Electoral Calculus prediction suggests that Labour would sweep the board taking 468 seats, leaving Sir Keir Starmer with a record majority.

The poll, first published int he Sunday Times, gives Labour 45 percent and the Tories 26 percent. The survey found that if Reform UK was not in the race then the Tory seats would increase by more than 50 to 150.

A Government source said: “This just goes to show a vote for Reform is a vote for Labour. They have no plan and would take us back to square one.

“We’ve seen a lot of polls and predictions. The polls said Leave would lose; they won. Polls said the 2017 election would result in a landslide but we lost our majority. There’s only one poll that matters and over the next few months we will focus minds on the choice between our plan to build a brighter future and Labour’s lack of a plan.”

This latest poll appears to confirm results by Techne UK in their weekly tracker poll for

Last week’s poll revealed that 60 percent of Tory voters in the 2019 election had switched to Reform UK after the defection of Lee Anderson.

The survey will raise new questions about Rishi Sunak‘s leadership of the Tories which appears to be seeing the party sliding towards a catastrophic defeat.

In the last few weeks, there have been suggestions that Penny Mordaunt should take over to reduce the impact of a general election defeat and polling by the campaign group More in Common suggests the Tories would be six points better off with her in charge.

Back in January a Whitestone poll paid for by Tory supporter Lady McAlpine suggested that the only way to save the party was to have a leader on the right who would go anti-woke, tackle immigration and cut taxes. While nobody was named it appeared to suggest a candidate like Suella Braverman.

Tory MPs have privately said they will wait for the local elections in May to decide on whether to try and oust Sunak as leader.

Rules state that 53 letters sent to 1922 Committee chairman Sir Graham Brady would be required to trigger a vote of confidence.

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