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Prince Harry blasted by royal insiders for making King Charles’s diagnosis ‘all about him’ | Royal | News

Prince Harry has been accused by friends of the Royal Family of creating « unnecessary drama » and making King Charles’s recent cancer diagnosis « all about him », according to reports.

This comes as the youngest son of the reigning monarch raced across the Atlantic for a half-an-hour meeting with his father only to return to America 25 hours later.

One friend who has known the family for decades told The Daily Beast: « To announce on Monday that he [Harry] was flying home immediately after [Charles’ diagnosis] was made public added unnecessary drama to an already febrile situation. »

They added: « It had people speculating that Charles was at death’s door, when in fact, his cancer is eminently treatable and, as the Prime-Minister subsequently said, has been caught early. »

Speaking of King Charles agreeing to see Prince Harry at such short notice, they said: « Any father would do the same thing. »

After spending the night in a luxury hotel and not at a royal residence, Prince Harry raced back to the UK to be with Meghan Markle and his two children, Prince Archie, four, and two-year-old Princess Lilibet.

However, the Duke of Sussex wasted no time making his next public appearance after returning to the US with fans quick to comment how content he looked.

Within 24 hours of landing back at Los Angeles International Airport, Harry appeard on stage in Vegas to present the Walter Payton Man of the Year award to Pittsburgh Steelers footballer Cameron Heyward, leaving the audience gasping in surprise.

Looking confident and relaxed, Harry joked about NFL players « taking a breather every 15 seconds » and, referencing the short season compared to other sports, said: « Instead of a 10-month season, let’s just make it 18 weeks. Genius. »

The former working royal, 39, made an 11-hour flight to the UK on Monday evening – hours after Buckingham Palace confirmed that the King had been diagnosed with « a form of cancer ».

Harry was personally given the upsetting news of the cancer diagnosis by his father and was said to have been « worried » about the 75-year-old monarch.

Buckingham Palace stated the King remains « wholly positive » about his treatment and looks forward to returning to full public duty as soon as possible.

The statement added: « His Majesty has chosen to share his diagnosis to prevent speculation and in the hope it may assist public understanding for all those around the world who are affected by cancer. »

On Wednesday, as Harry left Britain, William carried out two public duties—an investiture ceremony at Windsor Castle, and speaking at a London Air Ambulance of which he is patron. At the glitzy gala, he thanked the public for their support of his father and his wife Princess Kate who still recovering from abdominal surgery.

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