
Plans to turn seaside ghost town into ‘Vegas of the Med’ could drag King Charles in row | Politics | News

Varosha: Inside the abandoned resort in Northern Cyprus

A plan to transform an abandoned seaside resort, which used to be the play area of the stars but has been empty for 50 years, could drag King Charles and Britain into a huge diplomatic row.

The Cypriot resort of Varosha (as it is called by the Greek Cypriots) or Maras (the Turkish Cypriot name) was the scene of fighting in July 1974 when the Turkish army arrived to protect Turkish Cypriots from what they considered to be an attempt by the Greeks to ethnically cleanse the island.

As Greek and Greek Cypriot forces and citizens moved south the town was left deserted and came under the control of the Turkish area when fighting ceased later that year.

Since then it has been a base for the United Nations as efforts to bring the two sides together have but is in the territory controlled by the self-declared country of the Turkish Republic of North Cyprus.

Now after five decades of stalemate, after a number of plans to reunite the island were rejected by the Greek Cypriots, has seen plans to bring Varosha/ Maras back to life. But it will be met with objections by the United Nations (UN) and the government of the Republic of Cyprus and could pose a problem for King Charles.

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TRNC officials contend that King Charles owns the abandoned 7-star Golden Sands Hotel (Image: David Maddox)

According to the TRNC government, the King owns the Golden Sands Hotel in the resort town, which is still closely guarded and not accessible without prior permission.

The enormous hotel complex was when it opened in 1974 declared the world’s first seven-star hotel and was so large it had an internal railway to take clients around.

The Royal Family have previously denied the King owns it and there are questions whether it is now being used by UK security forces with the island close to the Middle East and international hotspots including Syria. But the Military of Defence also denied involvement with the hotel when asked by Tory MP Mark Francois.

However, ownership of buildings in the resort is a major issue preventing it from coming back to life which could cause a huge legal row with the ones tabled.

The proposal by a consortium of billionaire businesspeople from across the globe as well as some of the world’s most successful hoteliers has identified the beachfront town of Varosha/Maras as the best location for this new billion-pound project.

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Varosha/ Maras

The resort has been abandoned for five decades this year and is a ruin (Image: David Maddox)

Maras redevelopment

Plans to redevelop Varosha/ Maras (Image: Supplied)

Under the new proposals, it would be restored to its place as one of the world’s top holiday destinations. Dozens of casinos, luxury hotels and resorts, shops and fine dining restaurants are planned.

Dr Muhammet Yasarata, Chairman and CEO of the Paradise and Premier Group of Companies, a leading luxury tour operator in North Cyprus, Turkey and Malta said: “For too long America has held Las Vegas as a shining example of what can be achieved through strategic investment. It is about time Europe had a contender to attract tourists from all corners of the globe.

“What better place to establish a rival, than in a historically significant tourist destination that has languished unused and neglected for far too long.

“This year Maras will have stood deserted for half a century, which is far too long.

“Now is the opportune moment to unleash our creativity and explore ways in which Maraş can flourish and offer experiences to people across the world.”

Chet Ramadan, Co-Chairman of the Freedom and Fairness for Northern Cyprus campaign said: “North Cyprus and the rest of the island will benefit enormously from this development. It will show the world that North Cyprus is open for business. »

Sophia Loren opens her restaurant

Sophia Loren owned a house in the resort (Image: Getty)

One owner of a beachfront property was the Italian Hollywood superstar actress Sophia Loren whose luxury house now stands empty.

The resort was also a favourite holiday destination of Elizabeth Taylor, Richard Burton, Raquel Welch, and Brigitte Bardot.

Among the empty properties in what has been described as “a monument to diplomatic failure” are 45 hotels, 3,000 commercial properties, 60 apartment hotels, 21 banks, 25 museums, 20 theatres and museums, and 99 entertainment venues.

The redevelopment plans are backed by several billionaires and reflect growing frustration in the TRNC over their treatment and continued international isolation, to the extent that direct flights are only allowed from Turkey.

Turkish Cypriots point out that the Turkish army arrived as a result of a Greek nationalist coup on the island in 1974 and attacks on Turkish Cyrpiots which resulted in hundreds killed on both sides.

Around 15 different agreements including the Annan plan in 2004 which would have reunified the island under a federal structure have been rejected by the Greek Cypriots in the south.

Despite reneging on the Annan plan the Republic of Cyprus was allowed into the EU which has brought talks to a virtual standstill with formal UN-brokered discussions breaking down in 2017.

Ersin Tatar and UK delegation

MPs were on a fact finding mission which met with President Tatar (Image: TRNC)

The TRNC has begun to reopen Varosha/Maras to the public and is encouraging Greek Cypriots back to reclaim their properties.

However, it comes at a time of a major political push to recognise the TRNC as a separate country.

TRNC President Ersin Tatar, with the support of Turkey’s President Recep Erdogan, believes that the only solution to the Cyprus crisis after 50 years is « a two-state solution ».

He recently just opened a new major airport in the TRNC to increase international traffic and is seeing major investment coming in from Russia, Ukraine, Iran and Israel among other places.

UK parliamentarians have also just visited the TRNC on a fact-finding mission as pressure grows on talks to reopen at the UN.

Among those visiting were Heather Wheeler MP, Baroness Nosheena Mobarik of Mearns, Giles Watling MP, Pauline Lathan MP and parliamentary candidate David Reed.

President Tatar said: « The UK, as a guarantor and former colonial power, understands the Cyprus issue more than any other country. The UK knows what has been lived in Cyprus, but has taken a very unfair position and is not treating the Turkish Cypriots on an equal basis.”

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