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Pavement parking ban should be extended across England, councils say | UK | News

Councils across England are calling for a ban on pavement parking to ensure safer streets, according to a report. The study, commissioned by the Local Government Association (LGA), warns that vehicles parked on kerbs pose risks to wheelchair users, older people and parents with pushchairs.

The investigation revealed that some vehicles completely block pavements, forcing pedestrians to walk on the road. Pavement parking can also damage the surface, creating trip hazards and leading to expensive repairs, added the report by active travel charity Sustrans and disability rights organisation Transport for All.

The study suggests that pavement parking should be banned across England, and calls on the Government to prioritise walking and wheeling space on footways. Currently, only London has a ban on pavement parking.

A Department for Transport (DfT) consultation on giving councils in the rest of the country the power to prohibit pavement parking ended in November 2020, but no announcement has been made. The LGA believes a change in the rules is « long overdue » and would help protect older and vulnerable people from injury, as well as support national targets to increase levels of walking and cycling.

LGA transport spokesman Darren Rodwell said: « Pavement parking is one of the biggest complaints from pedestrians, but three years on, councils outside of London still do not have the powers they need to tackle this scourge. Vulnerable and disabled people including wheelchair users, as well as parents with pushchairs, are forced into the road due to some drivers’ inconsiderate parking, presenting a real hazard and potential danger to life. Repairing kerbs and pavements damaged by pavement parking is also expensive and this funding could be better used to resurface our roads and pavements, support local buses and provide more suitable parking.

« If we are to meet the Government’s ambition for half of all trips in England’s towns and cities to be walked, wheeled or cycled by 2030, then it makes sense to give councils across the country the same powers as in the capital, making our streets safer and footpaths open for everyone. »

RAC head of policy Simon Williams said: « Pavement parking is at best inconvenient and at worst hazardous for pedestrians and those in wheelchairs, but in England there’s still a massive question about if and when controls will ever be introduced.

« Rather than an outright ban, we think it would be more effective if local authorities were given enforcement powers to prevent unnecessary pavement obstructions. This prevents the need for them having to survey all their roads to work out where exemptions need to be made. »

Edinburgh is the first city in Scotland to stop cars from parking on pavements since January 29.

Glasgow will also start doing this soon.

Wales might make rules about parking on pavements later this year.

A person from the Department for Transport said: « Everyone should be able to navigate their streets without obstacles, and while local authorities already have powers to prohibit pavement parking through local regulation, we have consulted on further helping them take action. The response to this will be published in due course. »

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