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Lee Anderson slams Ramadan message – London now ‘laughing stock’ of UK | Politics | News

Current Reform UK MP and former Deputy Chairman of the Conservative Party Lee Anderson has criticised the decision by rail bosses to post a Ramadan message on departure boards at King’s Cross railway station.

Earlier this month, verses from the Quran were posted next to train times and other information.

One such message read: “Hadith of the day: The Prophet Muhammad (PBUM) said: “All the sons of Adam are sinners, but the best of the sinners are those who repent often.”

Following the message, former Conservative MP Mr Anderson blasted the decision to post the message on the departure boards.

Mr Anderson told the Telegraph: “If rail bosses have to launch an investigation into how these religious messages ended up on the departure board, then they should not be rail bosses at all.”

He added: “The whole of London is turning into the laughing stock of the UK and the Government officials who state all religious festivals are celebrated need to realise that normal folk are more interested in their train turning up on time rather than engaging with virtue-signalling claptrap.”

Mr Anderson isn’t the first politician to express criticism of the message after GB News presenter Nigel Farage expressed his confusion over the message. The former UKIP leader wrote on X/Twitter: “Aren’t we supposed to be a Christian country?”

In a statement, a spokesperson for Network Rail explained why the message had been displayed and why the messages are sometimes removed.

They said: “King’s Cross Station is made up of a diverse and multicultural workforce and at times of religious significance, messages such as these are displayed to celebrate the station’s diversity and inclusivity.

“Throughout the year, messaging at the station also celebrates festivals from other religions including Easter, Christmas, Passover, and Diwali to mark the beliefs of our colleagues and passengers.

“If significant disruption occurs on the network, the boards are changed to display relevant passenger information to help passengers complete their journeys.”

The sign also received criticism from the chief executive of the National Secular Society, Stephen Evans who told GB News about his problems with the messaging.

Mr Evans said: “At best it’s a well-meaning yet misguided and counterproductive attempt at inclusivity.

“Such gestures suggest favouritism, generating resentment and the inevitable demands from other religious or identity groups for equal recognition. Religious messages like this undermine the principle of neutrality.

“Maintaining such neutrality in public spaces and services is the best way of nurturing a fair and inclusive society that respects all individuals, regardless of their beliefs or backgrounds.”

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