
Inside the abandoned village with cars parked on the road | World | News

On June 10 at 2pm, 1944 – just days after D-Day – the notorious Nazi SS Das Reich regiment surrounded the French village of Oradour-sur-Glane and herded the villagers together.

Women and children were locked in a church while the men were marched to various barns.

And at 4pm soldiers with machine guns opened fire on them – killing some while others died in the barns that had been set ablaze.

The village church was also set alight. The women and children inside were killed. The whole village was then torched – with 642 villagers killed in total.

Before the war Oradour-sur-Glane was a quiet, rural community in the central area of France.

Now what remains acts as a terrible reminder of the atrocities that were carried out by the Nazis – and a village left in tatters. – a website dedicated to education on World War 2 – explained more.

It said: “In 1944, the village was left in ruins after German Waffen-SS troops massacred 642 men, women, and children before burning the village to the ground. 

“Today, tourists can visit the old town of Oradour where crumbling walls, cars, and other household items have been left untouched for the last 74 years.” 

It added: “The ruins of this village serve as a reminder of Nazi atrocities suffered by not only the French but also other civilian populations who came face-to-face with Nazi oppression. »

Those who have visited the village are overwhelmed by what’s there – and have taken to travel review website Tripadvisor to explain more about their experience.

One said: “The ‘village’ was a lot larger than we anticipated so I would allow a whole day. Be prepared to have your emotions shattered!

“The whole site is a true tribute to the inhabitants massacred. It is a place that will shock you, a place where you cannot understand the absolute horror that entailed.”

Another said: “Sometimes it’s difficult to choose the right words to describe something. 

“Having visited the Martyr village of Oradour-Sur-Glane, I am struggling with what to say, it’s emotive, eerie, upsetting, powerful, sad but above all it’s a reminder of how cruel humans are.”

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