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Gibraltar braces for Spanish protests as demonstrators push for Brexit agreement | World | News

A large protest is being planned in the Spanish city of La Linea located next to Gibraltar to demand action on the ongoing uncertainty surrounding the Brexit agreement and its impact on the local economy.

La Linea has close economic ties to Gibraltar with many residents crossing the border daily for work. The protest, organised by local officials and supported by political and social groups, is calling for « special measures » to protect the city’s economy, which has been affected by the delays in reaching a Brexit agreement.

The demonstrators are specifically concerned about the consequences for border control and trade, both of which are vital for the region.

The protest is scheduled for October 25. Protesters will march from Plaza Farinas through the main roads, heading towards the Gibraltar border, also known as La Verja.

According to La Linea’s mayor, Juan Franco, this protest is not targeting anyone in particular but is meant to raise awareness of the difficult situation the city is facing.

Franco said: « We are not against anyone, but we need special measures for our city to cope with the challenges we are enduring. »

He added: « We have a lot at stake, and we hope the Brexit agreement will be reached soon. »

In the lead-up to the protest, the La Linea City Council has launched a campaign to raise awareness among residents, distributing leaflets and visiting shops to explain the objectives of the demonstration.

According to Franco, the goal is to demand more information from both the Spanish government and the Junta de Andalucia regarding the potential impacts of Brexit on the local economy.

He said: « We are asking for measures from both the Government of Spain and the Junta de Andalucia to help address the complicated situation we are facing. »

He also emphasised the need for clarity on the ongoing Brexit negotiations, as « some of the aspects being discussed directly affect us and have significant consequences for our daily lives. »

The protest comes following a recent traffic collapse at the Gibraltar border, which occurred between October 10 and 11, causing major disruptions for commuters.

Franco expressed frustration over the lack of protective measures or contingency plans from the government.

He also urged local residents to join the demonstration in large numbers, calling for the involvement of all social and political groups in the city.

Franco said: « The problem we have is unique. It is a problem that does not exist anywhere else in Europe, and we have been crying out in vain for over eight years. »

He added that the city has proposed feasible solutions but has received little response from the government.

The demonstration, Franco said, is aimed at ensuring that La Linea and its residents are not « invisible » and that their voices are heard amid the ongoing Brexit negotiations.

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