
Food storage hacks: Genius hack to keep carrots fresh and revive wilted ones

Content creator Becca Murray responded to a message from a bemused fan who asked: “I’m sorry, you store your carrots HOW?!” The content creator elicited shock from her fans when she told them she stores her carrots in water.

“If I’m going to be eating them raw then just cut them up and put them in water and they’ll crisp up.

“I put them in there when they were a little bit wilted and then they crisped up and plumped up in the process because they absorbed the water and they got crispy.”

How to store carrots

When storing carrots in the fridge, make sure to remove all green spots and leaves before putting them in the fridge.

Keep them in the vegetable drawer at the bottom of the fridge, ideally lined with kitchen paper.

Another food storage hack will help prevent your milk from going off. 

The hack was created by food photographer Jess Moses, who has 18.4k followers on her TikTok.

Jess said: “This milk hack is going to change your life. Save your milk from going bad.”

She poured her milk into an ice tray and left it in her freezer. She then dispensed the frozen lumps of ice and put them in a plastic sandwich bag.

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