
Fitness expert reveals the one ‘worst’ mistake that could stop you losing weight

We are all well aware that carrying some extra weight is detrimental to our health. Being obese or having lots of visceral fat has been linked to an increased risk of conditions such as heart disease, fatty liver disease and even cancer among others.

Aside from the health aspects, others are also keen to shed a few pounds for aesthetic reasons or to feel more comfortable in themselves. Whatever the reason, achieving your weight loss goals can be easier said than done.

And there is so much information out there about the best ways to lose weight that it can seem overwhelming.

One expert revealed some common pitfalls many people encounter when trying to shed fat.

Ashleigh Tosh, from Goal Plans, explained: “When you’re following a diet and exercising regularly but still can’t see the desired results, it can be a sign that you’re making small mistakes which are hindering your progress.”

She shared one of the “worst” mistakes many people make on their weight loss journey.

Becoming obsessed and stressing over your weight is not conducive to good results, she warned.

Ashleigh said: “One of the worst mistakes you can make is stressing too much about the number on the scale, as it’s not an accurate reflection of your fitness progress and can lead to demotivation even though you’re doing everything right.

“Don’t get discouraged if you’ve been working out and eating healthy but it doesn’t show on the scales.”

According to Ashleigh, there can be “several” reasons for weight fluctuations, such as water retention, muscle gain and the weight of undigested food.

Instead she advised taking your measurements and progress pictures as “better ways” to check for fat loss.

She also shared six other mistakes people often make when trying to lose weight.

Skipping meals

People who want to decrease their daily calorie intake sometimes resort to skipping meals.

Ashleigh said: “However, because this can lead to extreme hunger, people tend to overeat during their next meal and have more snacks throughout the day. Skipping meals also slows down metabolism.”

Not taking enough rest days

Although exercising is an important part of a fitness journey, going too far with it can do more harm than good, she warned.

She said: “Overtraining spikes cortisol levels, making you feel more stressed and making it harder for your body to burn off fat.”

Crash diets

Crash diets can help you lose weight quickly, but they can also slow down your metabolism.

Ashleigh explained: “When you eat too few calories, your body adapts by storing them for longer and burning them at a slower rate. Once the diet is over, you will very likely regain the weight.”

Avoiding weightlifting

Although cardio may burn more calories per session, weightlifting is great for weight loss because it helps increase the amount of calories burned at rest.

She said: “This means that you can burn calories even after working out as your body recovers and repairs muscle tissue.”

Not eating enough fibre or protein

Getting enough fibre and protein from your diet helps support weight loss.

Ashleigh said: “Fibre and protein rich foods make you feel more full which reduces your appetite and curbs cravings.

“Most foods that are rich in carbs are rich in fibre, so it’s not suggested to completely cut out carbs from your diet. “

Not drinking enough water

She added: “Proper hydration is crucial for optimal metabolism and weight loss.

“A lot of people also confuse dehydration with hunger, so it’s best to keep sipping on water throughout the day to control your appetite and understand your hunger cues.”

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