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Final nail in coffin for Jeremy Corbyn as Labour opens selections in his seat | Politics | News

Labour has confirmed the go-ahead for its candidate selection process in Jeremy Corbyn’s North London seat, hammering the final nail into the coffin for his hopes of standing as a Labour MP.

In an announcement to prospective Labour candidates today, the party confirmed they are seeking a candidate for the Islington North constituency,

Applications will close in just five days, on May 20; followed by a shortlist announcement on May 23; and an online husting on the May 29.

The result will then be announced on June 1, at which point Mr Corbyn will discover who his election opponent is, should he choose to stand as an independent.

In March last year Labour’s NEC passed a motion to block Mr Corbyn standing as a Labour candidate by 22 votes to 12.

The motion stated that Labour’s chances at the election would be “significantly diminished should Mr Corbyn be endorsed”.

It argued that the “Labour Party’s interests, and its political interests at the next general election, are not well served by Mr Corbyn running as a Labour Party candidate”.

In response Mr Corbyn said that the blocking of his candidacy was a “shameful attack on party democracy, party membership and natural justice”.

He accused Sir Keir Starmer of having “launched an assault on the rights of his own Labour Party members”.

“I will not be intimidated into silence. I have spent my life fighting for a fairer society on behalf of the people of Islington North, and I have no intention of stopping now.”

One prospective candidate for Mr Corbyn’s seat has already confirmed that he will be putting his name forwards.

Transport expert and writer Christian Wolmar has said he will stand in the seat, after previously fighting the 2016 Richmond Park by-election.

It’s been speculated that Mr Corbyn will stand as an independent candidate in his constituency, having represented the ultra-safe Labour seat since 1983.

He has promised to “continue” to serve his constituents, in a subtle hint about his future plans.

The Sunday Times has also reported that an activist in Mr Corbyn’s seat has inquired with a printing firm about the cost of having election leaflets made.

However a spokesman for the former Labour leader denied sanctioning the emails.

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