
Fears surge over mystery ‘nosebleed’ disease which can kill in just 24 hours – three dead | World | News

At least three people have died due to a mysterious “nosebleed” disease in Burundi, west Africa, according to local reports. The mysterious virus reportedly starts showing its impact within 24 hours, according to local media.

The unknown bug causes symptoms including a fever, headaches, dizziness, and vomiting, leaving public health authorities in the country scrambling to contain it.

Two of the infected people were moved to Baziro and were treated immediately, according to the local website SOS Media Burundi.

Health officials are now scrambling to contain the virus and have quarantined the area of Baziro.

A panicked nurse from the Migwa health centre told the news site: “It’s a disease that kills quickly.

“It’s terrible, we are all waiting for death.”

According to the news reports, the nurse is believed to be working at a health care centre that received two of the patients before they died.

The symptoms appear to point towards some sort of viral haemorrhagic fever, which damages the walls of tiny blood vessels making them leak, such as Marburg and Ebola.

However, the news site claimed that the Burundian Ministry of Health has already ruled out both illnesses.

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The announcement came after the neighbouring country Tanzania announced an outbreak of Margburg for the first time.

Around five people have died and eight have developed symptoms of it.

All cases were discovered in the northwest of Tanzania, which directly borders Burundi.

The World Health Organisation said the new cases were spread across three different provinces over a range of nearly 100 miles « suggesting wider transmission of the virus ».

The cases were found in provinces bordering neighbouring countries, meaning that « the risk of international spread cannot be ruled out », a statement said.

Last July, a team of doctors and health experts were dispatched to investigate a mysterious « nosebleed » disease in southern Tanzania that claimed the lives of three people.

The country’s chief medical officer Aifello Sichalwe said in a statement that all patients had tested negative for similar viruses Ebola and Marburg, as well as Covid.

Tanzania’s President Samia Suluhu Hassan said on Tuesday the « strange » disease reported in Lindi may have been caused by « growing interaction » between humans and wild animals.

If the virus has jumped from an animal to a human, that would make it a zoonotic disease.

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