
Europe’s breathtaking road trip route through the ‘land of a thousand lakes’ | Travel News | Travel

Finland isn’t one of the world’s top destinations but if you’re looking for unspoilt beauty, wild camping and quiet roads, there’s nowhere better.

While the Nordic country has the most forest in Europe, it’s also home to some incredible lakes.

Finnish Lakeland is Europe’s largest lake district and according to Visit Finland it’s “where Finns come to recharge and reconnect with nature”.

The country is known as the ‘land of a thousand lakes’ and Lakeland is home to one of Finland’s most famous, Lake Saimaa.

Although many of the region’s cities can be reached by train, one of the best ways to explore Lakeland is on a road trip.

Finland’s Route 62 runs along the shores of Lake Saimaa, stopping at several towns along the way.

Anttola is a top wine tourism destination while in Puumala tourists can take a canoe tour out on the lake. Tourists can take an excursion to spot Saimaa Ringed Seals, one of the world’s most endangered seals.

The region’s forests are the perfect place for a hike while tourists can also fit in a visit to Tampere, one of Finland’s prettiest cities.

While there are plenty of cottages and hotels to choose from, intrepid tourists can also wild camp along the road trip.

Camping is allowed almost everywhere in Finland as long as tourists follow the country’s Everyman’s Rights.

Under the rules, everyone is allowed to « camp out temporarily a reasonable distance from homes » as well as fish or pick wild berries.

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