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Estonia thwarts ‘hybrid operation’ by Russian special forces in NATO territory | World | News

Estonia’s Prime Minister has today claimed that the country thwarted a « hybrid operation » on NATO territory by Russian operatives.

Local media claimed operatives run by Russian special services were behind an attack on an Estonian minister’s car last year.

In a short statement issued on social media today, Estonia’s Prime Minister Kaja Kallas said: « Estonia has successfully stopped a hybrid operation by Russia‘s security services on our territory.

« We know the Kremlin is targeting all of our democratic societies. Our answer: be open and reveal their methods. This is the way to deter harmful actions and make us resilient. »

The Estonian PM shared a link to a news story by ERR News, the English-language service of Estonian Public Broadcasting. It says Estonia’s Internal Security Service (ISS) has identified the people who vandalized cars belonging to the interior minister and a journalist last year.

A total of 10 people were detained as part of the criminal investigation – and the ISS now believes they acted on behalf of the Russian special services, reports ERR. 

Today, the ISS said the « hybrid operation » aimed to « sow fear and create tension in Estonian society ». Six of the detainees are in custody.

ERR also reported that the ISS has evidence suggesting the suspects were following orders from the Russian special services. They are accused of smashing the windows of vehicles belonging to Minister of the Interior Lauri Läänemets and a journalist. They are also accused of vandalizing memorials.

Officials say this is a preliminary investigation and it will be verified via criminal proceedings. State Prosecutor Triinu Olev said: « Proceedings have been initiated under the Penal Code, which deals with offences against the security of the Republic of Estonia.

« We cannot overlook the gravity of the offences under investigation and the fact that, according to the suspects, they were prepared to take part in activities against the security of the Republic of Estonia without thinking about the consequences. »

The suspects arrested are citizens of Russia and Estonia and some hold dual citizenship, Olev added.

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