
Destinations that should be on everyone’s bucket list – according to the well-travelled | Travel News | Travel

Five of the world’s ‘most travelled’ people have revealed their hidden holiday gems – with Egypt, Tunisia, Colombia and Cambodia at the top of the list.

The panel includes Gunnar Garfors, the first person to visit every country in the world twice, and 25-year-old Basanth Sadasivan, the youngest person to do the same.  

Also revealing their secrets are Rachel Davey and Martina Sebova, who have visited every country with a daily budget of £27 day, and Renee Bruns, who has travelled to most wheelchair accessible locations.

The group rate Phnom Penh, in Cambodia, as being the best value for money, where you can experience local attractions such as the Wat Phnom Temple for as little as £1.

While Cartagena on Colombia’s Caribbean coast was highlighted due its affordable accommodation, and Cairo, in Egypt, offers Muslim and Coptic Christian landmarks that can be explored for free.

The experts have also shared where to have the most memorable night out, best street food and the locations everyone should visit once in their lifetime to launch Skyscanner’s new online pop-up, Everywhere Agency.

It comes after research found 30 percent of travellers find picking their next holiday destination ‘overwhelming’ – due to concerns about the cost and trying to narrow down where to go.

Laura Lindsay, from Skyscanner, said: “Sometimes, trying to decide where to go for your next holiday can be difficult – taking into account not only where you want to visit, but also the cost, activities on offer and the food.

“With hundreds of countries on offer, it can be overwhelming trying to narrow it down.

“Our ‘Everywhere’ search shows travellers all their options but speaking to people who have quite literally seen the entire world can really help make a decision and ensure that you are getting to really see the places that best suit you.”

For a memorable night out, the experts recommend Havana in Cuba, Seoul in South Korea, Budapest in Hungary or Buenos Aires in Argentina.

While Käsekrainer cheese sausages in Vienna, Austria, are considered to be the most mind-blowing street food.

Along with the likes of Pad Pak Ruam and Kanom Jeen Nam Ngeaw, which can be found in the night markets of Chiang Mai.

But when it comes to trying a once in a lifetime activity, windsurfing around the ABC Islands, in the Caribbean, glacier hiking in Bergen, Norway, snorkelling in Flores, Indonesia and paragliding over Cappadocia, Turkey are at the top of the list.

Following the expert insights, the study of 2,000 holidaymakers also found 83 percent are keen to visit somewhere new in 2024, but half struggle to discover different locations.

While three quarters want more inspiration away from the same destinations often highlighted by social media, TV and film.

And 63 percent place more trust in the advice they get from seasoned travellers than the tips they get from social media.

Laura Lindsay, for Skyscanner, added: “The ability to search for flights which reach ‘Everywhere’ can help inspire people to visit destinations they might not have considered. We empower and equip travellers with the tools they need to discover and enjoy new destinations within their budget.”

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