
Camilla’s favourite takeaway is a ‘proper’ English staple – unlike Prince Charles’ choice

Prince Charles’ favourite takeaway could not be more different to Camilla’s choice when it comes to ordering in. The royal couple has very different tastes in fast food, but both are equally delicious. As the future King of England, Prince Charles is used to fine dining with world leaders and canapes at royal bashes.

But if the Prince of Wales decides on a takeaway for dinner, his go-to meal is pizza.

Prince Charles outlined his favourite pizza topping after a visit to St Boswell’s in 2019.

While on the visit, he was given a Margherita pizza from Hunters Stables restaurant’s chef Erminio Di Meo.

Speaking to Press Association at the time, Erminio said: “He was curious, he smiled and I said, ‘It’s a Margherita’.

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I believe the Prince said, ‘It’s my favourite.’”

It is not surprising that the royal opts for the simplest choice of pizza, as it is also the healthier option.

Prince Charles is a huge proponent of healthy eating to support the environment and sustainability.

Camilla, on the other hand, has a takeaway choice that could not be more different to the Prince of Wales.


The love of fast-food runs in the Royal Family.

During their childhood, Princes William and Harry loved trips to McDonald’s.

Their late mother Princess Diana would take her sons to the popular burger joint for lunch.

Former royal chef Darren McGrady said on his YouTube channel: “I remember the Princess came into the kitchen one day and said, ‘Cancel lunch for the boys I’m taking them out, we’re going to McDonald’s’.

“And I said, ‘Oh my god, Your Royal Highness, I can do that, I can do burgers.’

“And she said, ‘No, it’s the toys they want.’ Yeah, the boys loved McDonald’s, and going out for pizza, and having potato skins—sort of the American foods.

“They were royal Princes but had children’s palates.”

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