
Beautiful but incredibly cheap £25 European city where new UK flights have been launched | Travel News | Travel

Britons love exploring new places and cultures, whether it’s the coffee scene of Australia, the beautiful towns and coasts of Europe, or the rainforests of South America.

However, a new opportunity has arisen as flights to the Georgian capital of Tbilisi will be launched for the first time since Air Georgia scrapped direct flights in 2020.

The new flights will take off from London, Edinburgh, Manchester, and Birmingham later this year as part of a series of new routes linking the UK to the country.

The new trips form part of a series of package deals by Holiday Best which claims to have the lowest deposit at £25 per person.

The Sun reported that the direct flights to Georgia will be operated by Turkish Airlines and provide intrepid tourists to one of the most fascinating countries in Europe.

The direct flights will give tourists access to a country whose cuisine is exciting and which has a culture as interesting as the regions it sits in. On Georgia, Lonely Planet said: “At the boundary between Europe and Asia, Georgia has a growing reputation as the place to go for travellers who love exploring the fringes of the travel map.

« The oldest wine-producing nation in the world has a timeless quality that permeates its thriving cities, its bucolic mountain villages and its rugged mountain terrain.

“Having gone from backpacker secret to mainstream darling in just a decade, Georgia today is by far the most visited country in the South Caucasus…its rich culture and astonishingly diverse landscapes make it an ideal destination for anyone loving history and nature on the grandest of scales.”

At the heart of Georgia is its capital Tbilisi, a bustling city surrounded by nature, but drenched in folklore and modern accoutrements.

Must-see fixtures of the city include visiting the Old Town, riding the aerial tramway high above the city, and visiting the Tsminda Sameba Cathedral.

Alongside the ancient monuments, there is a smattering of more modern architectural pieces of art such as the Bridge of Peace which was designed to connect the old town with the more modern parts of the city.

On TripAdvisor Charm Travels praised the structure and described it as a “must visit” with a “great view of the city and above the river”. Fellow user CandyLola added: “Amazing vibes at night, great view to the fortress and mother of Georgia, must go and ride the cable cars next to it.”

While Georgia is undoubtedly a beautiful place to visit, the UK Foreign Office advises caution to Britons who choose to travel there.

They warned: « There is a high threat of terrorist attack globally affecting UK interests and British nationals, including from groups and individuals who view the UK and British nationals as targets.

« You should remain vigilant at all times. Terrorist attacks in Georgia can’t be ruled out. Attacks could happen anywhere and affect Western interests and places visited by foreigners, such as tourist sites and cultural events. »

The Foreign Office countered that while crime levels were low and Georgian law « protects everyone’s human rights » they cautioned that said that « ethnic minorities and LGBT+ people may face discrimination. Harassment and assault based on race and sexuality do take place ».

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