
Anti-ageing skincare ingredient is an ‘absolute hero’ to reduce wrinkles

Amish Patel, an award-winning aesthetics practitioner and skincare expert at Intrigue Cosmetic Clinic, revealed the best anti-ageing ingredient to have in your arsenal.

Every person hoping to reduce fine lines and wrinkles, pigmentation, and enlarged pores could benefit from the addition of vitamin A into their skincare routine.

Describing vitamin A as an « absolute hero skincare anti-ageing ingredient », it’s referred to as retinol or tretinoin in the beauty world.

« Vitamin A creams increase skin cell turnover and encourage healthy, damage-free skin formation, » said Mr Patel.

« In doing so, it helps reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, pigmentation, enlarged pores, acne or oily skin – it does it all. »

Me Patel added: « Skin is then left rejuvenated, brighter, tighter, firmer and more youthful in texture and appearance. »

How to use vitamin A

Mr Patel clarified: « Apply your vitamin A cream at night. » Do note that professional-grade vitamin A must gradually be introduced into your skincare routine.

Mr Patel explained: « I recommend starting with a product with 0.3 percent retinol and slowly building up from there, depending on how well your skin copes.

« However, it is essential to note that using an SPF in the daytime is necessary when using vitamin A to protect the new skin from UV damage. »

Mr Patel added: « When used daily, the effects will last as long as you continue to include this wonder ingredient as part of your skincare regime. »

How much does vitamin A cream cost?

Good quality vitamin A creams can range from £80 to £140, although non-prescription vitamin A can be bought in stores for around £50.

« It’s important to remember it’s the combination of quality ingredients and the formulation of the product that makes the difference in performance and results, » Mr Patel emphasised.

« You don’t need to apply much to your face, just a small pea-sized amount, so it lasts a considerable length of time. »

Any skins of skin irritation – peeling, itching, swelling or blistering – means you should stop using the product.

« Anyone selling higher-grade vitamin A products or prescription strength should always undertake a consultation with you to determine if the product is suitable for you, » advised Mr Patel.

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