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Phillip Schofield’s paedophile brother sacked from police | UK | News

Phillip Scofield’s brother Timothy has been sacked by police after being found guilty of sexually abusing a teenage boy. 

Timothy Schofield, 54, who was found guilty of the charges three weeks ago, insisted to the jury that his victim was over the age of 16 when he watched pornography with him.

He said they had masturbated together while sitting apart. 

Timothy denied performing sexual acts on the teenager, but the jury decided that he was lying.

Appearing as a witness against his brother, This Morning star Phillip, 61, said: « As far as I am concerned, I no longer have a brother. »

Detective Inspector Keith Smith said: « This defendant has exploited and abused the victim by carrying out a sickening series of offences over a significant period of time.

« Although the defendant does not work in a public-facing role, and the offences are not linked to his employment, we know the fact he works for the police will be a matter of public concern. »

After a trial at Exeter Crown Court, Schofield was convicted of 11 sexual offences involving a child between October 2016 and October 2019, including two of sexual activity with a child.

ACC Will White, in outlining the findings of the panel, said: « Timothy Schofield committed a series of manipulative and exploitative offences against someone in a position of vulnerability. The details and impact of his criminality were distressing to read for the panel, as they would be for members of the public.

« The panel is grateful for the courage shown by the victim and all those who provided information and evidence to the investigation team, which resulted in him being brought to justice for these abhorrent crimes.

« Timothy Schofield’s position as a member of a police organisation makes his responsibility all the greater in terms of his offending behaviour. The harm he’s caused has been serious and extensive.

« His criminal conviction undermines the public’s trust and confidence in the police service and its employees who work tirelessly to build that trust, particularly at this time of national scrutiny. »

An NSPCC spokesperson said: « Child sexual abuse can have devastating and long-lasting impact on a person’s life and Timothy Schofield’s actions were deeply harmful. »

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