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Richard Tice tears BBC to shreds over claim ‘UK can’t return migrants to France’ | Politics | News

Richard Tice has told the Express he is “delighted” that the BBC is now firing criticism at Reform UK’s migrant plans, as it proves the party is “concerning the establishment”.

In the early hours, BBC Verify – which is frequently accused of political bias – published a piece entitled: “Why UK can’t just return migrants to France, as Reform says”.

It reports that both Nigel Farage and Richard Tice have claimed the UK is legally entitled to intercept migrants crossing the Channel and return them to France, adding: “But BBC Verify has found no evidence that this is the case.”

Two “experts in maritime law” spoken to by the outlet argued that the French would have to give the UK permission to leave migrants on their shores, and that the UK could not return migrants “unilaterally, and without prior agreement with France ».

However Reform UK deputy leader Richard Tice has now hit back at the BBC, accusing them of “desperately trying to prove me wrong”.

Blasting them as “muppets”, Mr Tice told the Express: “What this shows is my line is now gaining traction and concerning the establishment.”

“This is the first time the BBC have come after a Reform UK policy, and they wouldn’t be bothering with this if it wasn’t causing panic in the corridors of power.

“I’m delighted the BBC have taken this on.”

He argued that he knows the clauses of the 1982 UN Convention of Law at Sea, and it’s “crystal clear we are legally internationally entitled to pick up and take back.”

“France is failing in its legal obligations of picking up and not taking back.

“I’m very happy with my legal advice, but the truth is a good lawyer can argue two sides of the same coin. The BBC have set out to prove me wrong rather than prove me right.

“So what a bold government with the courage of Tony Abbot and the Australians would do is pick up and take back relentlessly for three weeks until it stops. If France disagrees fine, they can take us to an international tribunal, that’ll take a year by which time the crisis is over, it’s stopped, finito.

“This is about courageous leadership.”

In June, Reform UK set out their four-point plan to stop the boats, arguing no other parties have a clear agenda to tackle the crisis.

It includes:

  1. Leaving the European Convention on Human Rights
  2. Zero illegal immigrants to be settled in the UK
  3. A new Department of Immigration
  4. Picking up illegal migrants at sea and returning them to France

In the latest poll by More in Common, Reform UK had risen to 18%, comfortably ahead of the LibDems and up 3 points thanks to Labour’s growing unpopularity.

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