
Keira Knightley confesses Love Actually cue cards “creepy” when she was just 17 | Films | Entertainment

It’s been over 20 years since Love Actually hit cinemas and became a Christmas movie staple.

However, in the years since, fans have pointed out how dated some aspects of the movie are.

One in particular is the famous (or should that be infamous?) cue card scene when Andrew Lincoln’s character turns up at the home of his best friend and his wife played by Keira Knightley.

Confessing his love for her with cue cards before heading off, the actress, who was just 17 at the time, now sees the moment in a different light.

Speaking with The LA Times, Knightley confessed: “The slightly stalkerish aspect of it — I do remember that. My memory is of [director] Richard [Curtis], who is now a very dear friend, of me doing the scene, and him going, “No, you’re looking at [Lincoln] like he’s creepy,” and I’m like [in a dramatic whisper], “But it is quite creepy.” And then having to redo it to fix my face to make him seem not creepy… I mean, there was a creep factor at the time, right? Also, I knew I was 17. It only seems like a few years ago that everybody else realized I was 17.”

Curtis himself even finds the scene “a bit weird” looking back in retrospect.

The director previously told the Independent: “I think it’s a bit weird. I mean, I remember being taken by surprise about seven years ago, I was going to be interviewed by somebody and they said, ‘Of course, we’re mainly interested in the stalker scene,’ and I said, ‘What scene is that?’ And then I was, like, educated in it. All I can say is that a lot of intelligent people were involved in the film at the time, and we didn’t think it was a stalker scene. But if it’s interesting or funny for different reasons [now] then, you know, God bless our progressive world.”

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