
Flight attendant warns ‘never touch’ one part of plane bathroom | Travel News | Travel

There’s one part of a plane bathroom you should never touch.

When travelling by plane, many of us will try to avoid using the bathroom as much as possible. We know plane toilets are not exactly the cleanest of environments, but sometimes they can’t be avoided – especially on longer flights.

According to a flight attendant, however, there are some things you should absolutely never do when you find yourself needing the toilet on a plane, including one part of the bathroom you should « never touch ».

Cierra Mistt shared a video on TikTok in which she enlightened viewers on some travel advice that people « need to know » for their next trip – and many of them revolved around the best practices when using the bathroom.

She highlighted that, while the toilet might get a quick clean between flights, it doesn’t get cleaned at all while it’s in the air – so, if you’re not the very first person to use it, it’s not going to be clean.

She began her video by saying: « Here are some things passengers should know that flight attendants and pilots don’t talk about. Until now, that is. »

Never touch the toilet paper

If you’re going to the bathroom on a plane, you’ll want something to wipe with. But Cierra said you should absolutely never use the toilet paper provided because it’s often very thin and prone to disintegrating before you’ve actually wiped.

She said: « Don’t use the toilet paper. Instead, use the paper towels. It’s higher quality, and it won’t rip or dissolve like the toilet paper will. »

You can also plan ahead and pack your own tissues or toilet paper to use if you don’t want to use any of the amenities provided on the plane, as this will guarantee they’re clean and high quality.

Always wear shoes

Another toilet-based tip Cierra had was to make sure you always wear shoes if you’re going to the toilet. Due to the plane jostling in the air, there’s likely to be spills on the floor that are « not water » – and you don’t want to be stepping in them in bare feet or just your socks.

She explained: « Whatever you do, do not walk barefoot into that bathroom. I can promise you the liquid on the floor is not water and you do not want to be stepping in it.

« Not to mention that bathroom doesn’t get cleaned unless it’s bad enough that we literally have to close it off for the rest of the flight. »

Clean your seating area

The flight attendant said that, while cleaners go through the plane between each flight, they don’t « deep clean » every section of the vessel as you might expect. She noted that they wipe down the tray tables and the seat buckles, but almost nothing else is cleaned between flights.

For this reason, Cierra recommended using the wipes offered on board your flight to clean your seating area. And, if you’re sitting by the window, this includes disinfecting the pull-down blind.

She said: « There is a reason we offer you wipes right as you’re boarding the flight. If I were you, instead of wiping down that tray table and seat belt [the cleaners] just cleaned, I would use that wipe to clean off the window you’re sitting next to, because just like the bathroom floor, those things have never been cleaned either. »

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