A horrific plane crash in 2009 sent shockwaves across the world, and the pilot’s chilling last words captured the tragedy of the incident. Air France Flight 447 was carrying passengers from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, to Paris, France when it crashed into the Atlantic Oceanon June 1 2009.
The long-haul flight killed all 228 people on board when it crash-landed at 2:14am at a vertical speed of 124mph. Despite the lives of all those on the flight being lost, only 154 bodies have ever been recovered. In late 2024, the pilot’s chilling last words before the crash, which were recorded in the cockpit, were revealed.
In the recording, pilot Pierre-Cédric Bonin, 32, can be heard saying: « [I] don’t have control of the aeroplane anymore now. »
His last recorded words were: « I don’t have control of the aeroplane at all! »
The crash was caused when the plane experienced transient icing on its speed sensors, which in turn caused inconsistent airspeed readings.
As a result, the flight computer disconnected from the autopilot and Bonin and his co-pilot David Robert then had to fly the plane manually.
Bonin’s attempted to stabilise the aircraft and correct a slight roll. However, the Air France Flight 447 started to roll sharply left and right. The plane then steeply climbed before stalling and rapidly descending.
As the aircraft plunged to earth, Bonin attempted to pull back on his control stick, but then said: « We’re going to crash! This can’t be true. But what’s happening? »
The tragic loss of life led to crucial changes within the aviation sector, including enhanced pilot training programmes and stricter regulations for airspeed sensors.
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