
3 warning signs of UK’s deadliest cancer that could be thought a cold

The NHS has warned of three potential symptoms of the UK’s deadliest cancer that could be mistaken for a cold or other seasonal illnesses. According to statistics from Cancer Research UK, lung cancer is the most dangerous form of the disease in the country, accounting for 21% of all cancer deaths.

Every year 49,200 people in the UK are diagnosed with the disease, and it kills around 34,800.

Part of what makes lung cancer so sinister is the fact it can be hard to detect in its early stages.

Many people will not initially experience any symptoms at all.

The NHS says: “There are usually no signs or symptoms of lung cancer in the early stages. Symptoms develop as the condition progresses.”

When symptoms do show they could be easily misinterpreted and attributed to another health issue. This includes three warning signs that can also occur with a cold, flu, or Covid:

  • A cough
  • Fatigue
  • A hoarse voice.

However, one way to distinguish a cough caused by cancer and one linked to something less serious is how long it lasts. The NHS warns that a cough “that does not go away after three weeks” could signal cancer.

Moreover, “a long-standing cough that gets worse” and “coughing up blood” are also signs of the disease. You should see your GP if you experience any of these symptoms, the health body warns.

In comparison, a cough caused by a winter illness should typically clear up within a few weeks.

Other telltale signs of lung cancer to look out for include:

  • Chest infections that keep coming back
  • An ache or pain when breathing or coughing
  • Persistent breathlessness
  • Persistent tiredness or lack of energy
  • Loss of appetite or unexplained weight loss
  • Changes in the appearance of your fingers, such as becoming more curved or their ends becoming larger (this is known as finger clubbing)
  • Difficulty swallowing (dysphagia) or pain when swallowing
  • Wheezing
  • Swelling of your face or neck
  • Persistent chest or shoulder pain.

The most common cause of lung cancer is smoking. “Smoking cigarettes is the single biggest risk factor for lung cancer,” the NHS says.

It’s thought to account for more than seven out of 10 cases of the disease. However, exposure to certain substances is also associated with the disease.

These include radon, arsenic, asbestos, beryllium, cadmium, coal and coke fumes, silica, and nickel. If you want to give up smoking, NHS Smokefree can offer advice and support to help you quit smoking.

You can call 0300 123 1044, or visit the website. A GP or pharmacist can also give you advice about stopping smoking.

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